Amazon Kindle 4.7 Update Lets Users Start Listening To An Audiobook Before It Finishes Downloading, Edit Highlights, And More

Amazon has pushed out an update to its Kindle app for Android that might pique your interest if you’re into audiobooks, speak Dutch, or like to highlight things. Yes, that’s an admittedly eclectic mix of traits and interests, but that’s the way these updates work. Developers aren’t particularly invested in making sure we bloggers have a theme to categorize each new version under.

What’s new:

  • Start playing narration before audiobook download is complete
  • Localized support for Dutch
  • Tap on highlight to edit
  • Several bug fixes

So let’s just tackle this list of changes in order. Audiobook listeners can now begin listening to stories before they fully finish downloading. Considering it will take hours to get past the first half of the book, who cares if the ending hasn’t made its way down yet? This feature makes sense.

Next, the Kindle app has been localized for Dutch readers, so they should no longer have to put up with an over abundance of English on their way to open a book that may not be in English anyway.

As for highlights, users who want to go back to change the color, length, or notes attached to a previous highlight just need to tap on it to redo things.


That’s it for now. Tune in next time when Amazon rolls out another update of disjointed features and watch as we struggle to consolidate everything together. It may not make for great TV, but at least it’s halfway decent blogging.

Source : Android Police – Android News, Apps, Games, Phones, Tablets » Apps/Games

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