Blapp Chat 1.1.2

Full Name:Blapp Chat
Short Name: Blapp Chat
Google ID: blappcommunication.blapp
Version: 1.1.2
File size: 2.98 MB
Category: Applications, Communication

Whats New in Blapp Chat 1.1.2

  • what’s NEW
  • > upgraded color-coding
  • > bug fixes
  • > available German, French, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese and English (more to come)
  • > improved chat room management (user report and ban)
  • > improved chat room search

Min System Requirements

  • CPU :
  • Android Version : KitKat 4.4.x
  • Screen : small
  • GPU :

SHA1: A0:B3:2B:58:14:66:7C:37:27:A0:D1:56:21:FD:66:D1:CD:88:91:83
MD5: 5475ac7d24263e3061047e580e363ae3

Packages In Blapp Chat 1.1.2


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