Hex FRVR 2.6.4

Full Name:Hex FRVR
Short Name: Hex FRVR
Google ID: com.frvr.hex
Version: 2.6.4
File size: 25.98 MB
Category: Games, Puzzle
Developer: Chris Benjaminsen

Hex FRVR is an easy to understand yet fun to master puzzle game.
The unique hexagon puzzle board is a fun challenge for even the advanced puzzle addict.

Whats New in Hex FRVR 2.6.4

  • While this update might seem minor, it greatly improves how fun the game is to play and resolves many minor issues when playing the game.
  • Gameplay tweaks
  • – Tweaked how quickly the game becomes hard.
  • – Increased the amount of points given for combos.
  • – Reduced file size by almost 50%
  • Bug fixes
  • – The game now works on Intel devices.
  • – Scores and game state is now stored on phone (No more lost high-scores!)
  • – Improved layout on really big tablets (12″+)

Min System Requirements

  • CPU : armeabi-v7a
  • Android Version : Ice Cream Sandwich 4.0.x
  • Screen : small
  • GPU :

SHA1: 93:2F:AF:10:B6:84:FC:05:AE:19:44:DD:14:80:30:48:4E:F2:80:B0
MD5: 0d09dd1899fe9e062684f35310123aaa
