Netflix App Updated To v3.6 With A New Logo And Tweaked UI

The Netflix app has come a long, long way in terms of design during its run on Android. It wasn’t even a year ago that Netflix changed the interface dramatically in v3.0 and killed most of the lag. Now it’s up to v3.6 with a new logo/icon and a black action bar in the app.

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You wouldn’t think that changing the action bar from red to black would make the app feel much different, but it really does. The background blends much better now, and there’s a smooth transition to the (black) status bar on most devices. The loading screens are also different with a darker aesthetic.

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The logo used in the app now matches the version seen on the Netflix website recently. To go along with that, there’s a new icon. Take a look.


Left: old, Right: new

Source : Android Police – Android News, Apps, Games, Phones, Tablets » Apps/Games

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