Quick Reply for WhatsUp 1.1.3

Full Name:Quick Reply for WhatsUp
Short Name: Quick Reply for WhatsUp
Google ID: goticapp.whatsapp.reply
Version: 1.1.3
File size: 2.59 MB
Category: Applications, Communication
Developer: Concepci?n Garc?a

An app written for receive and respond Whatsapp messages without modifying the last hour of connection.
nnn Features: nnn☆ Responds without entering Whatsapp .

Whats New in Quick Reply for WhatsUp 1.1.3

  • – Ability to delete chat in the bin
  • – If you delete the notifications close chatHeads
  • – The chatHead If you enter Whatsapp conversations disappear
  • – Do not updated when connection.

Min System Requirements

  • CPU :
  • Android Version : Jelly Bean 4.2.x
  • Screen : small
  • GPU :

SHA1: 7B:A0:0F:18:73:E1:94:AA:43:8A:92:C4:E4:09:A2:B1:67:28:CA:21
MD5: 6f950ec038c1a43a61c5dad416c91d49

Packages In goticapp.whatsapp.reply
