Secret Gets Big Visual Refresh In Update To Version 11, Including A New App Icon

Secret is a social network that doesn’t connect you with other people, it connects you with their semi-private thoughts. People send their musings out into the Internet anonymously, where folks in their community or the far reaches of the globe can respond. It’s intended to be a safe place to communicate about things you may not want to associate with your name.

The latest version of the app comes with a complete refresh. We’re not talking a material makeover. There are bright new colors all over the place, sure, but the changes here reach out far enough to impact the app’s icon. Instead of the outline of a vague white feline or foxy critter, you get a vibrant orange fox.

SecretOld SecretRedesignIcon

Left: Old, Right: New.

The original release was heavy on imagery. Version 11 appears to fit more information on screen by keeping the focus on text. Yet as most apps designed for Lollipop, there’s still plenty of white space.

Secret4 Secret5 Secret6


Secret1 Secret2 Secret3


I’m not going to pretend like I have first hand experience with every social network that releases an app for Android. I’ve never shared my secrets with Secret, but if you choose to dabble with the latest release, please share your experience with us below.

What’s new:

  • An entirely new look for Secret.
  • Discover new spaces and communities around you.
  • Chat privately with your friends, coworkers and people around you. Meet new people.
  • Add photos to posts (tap and hold to view).

Source : Android Police – Android News, Apps, Games, Phones, Tablets » Apps/Games

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