YouTube 6.0 Lets Users Post to The Chat Area On Live Streaming Videos

It looks like the latest release of the YouTube app for Android has at least one more trick up its sleeve that escaped our notice in the APK Teardown. Reader Dan saw that when he opened up a live streaming video in the Android app, there was a new “Live Chat” option at the bottom. Tap the up arrow or slide the bar to the top of the window, and you can read the live chat going on in the YouTube channel. You can even participate, if you feel so inclined.

Screenshot_2014-12-14-03-58-11 Screenshot_2014-12-14-03-58-19

Live chats on YouTube live streaming videos are nothing new, but they were previously reserved for the desktop browser version of the site. We’ve checked the older YouTube Android apps, and sure enough, the options above simply aren’t there.

Of course, on any live stream with hundreds and hundreds of people participating, the discussion usually isn’t all that useful. (Just check the live chat section of any Google trade show video if you don’t believe us… but don’t do it if you’ve got a weak stomach.) Even so, it might be nice to see some immediate reactions if you’re out and about and can’t get to a full-sized PC in time for the live stream.

YouTube 6.0.13 is probably still rolling out to at least some of you. If you don’t want to wait for the Play Store, you can download the signed app over at APK Mirror.

Thanks, Dan!

Source : Android Police – Android News, Apps, Games, Phones, Tablets » Apps/Games

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